Website url: view site

Brief description: Advertise is a demo website for Classified Ads. You can publish and advertise for your own ads on the platform using the publish ad page. The website has pages for searching ads, viewing ads details, page category, user profile pages, control panel and more.

Admin demo url: view


password: admin


Key Features:

  • Publish your own ads on the website from the Create Ad Page.
  • List your own ads and ability to update the ad, change ad status or delete ad.
  • User profile and edit user profile pages.
  • Search page to search for ads on the website using various criteria.
  • Category page to display ads based on category and subcategory.
  • Ad detail page to view ads details such as images, description, specifications and more.
  • Control panel that allows website admin to manage the website parts like viewing the ads, creating and updating ads, managing categories, users, attributes and permissions.
